Used Cars for Sale Near Me: 5 Warning Lights to Never Ignore

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Maintaining your used car for sale means keeping you and your passengers alive and safe; spend less and ride along strong! There are plenty of car maintenance warning lights that can derive from your dashboard to never ignore. Take heed of the advice below and maintain your vehicle with the help of automotive experts at BMW of Reading and drive safely and in style!

1. Oil Alert – Keep Your Vehicle Running Smoothly

When your vehicle lacks ongoing oil lube and filter maintenance, then mechanical parts will not run smoothly and this could eventually cause friction and issues with other parts.

If drivers see this alert, it is best to get car maintenance service done soon, especially if you plan to drive far distances.

Clean and new oil after every 3K miles ensures best engine health and keeps parts cool and running along with smooth efficiency.

2. Battery Alert Notification!

Keep in mind, as soon as a battery alert signal comes on, it is important to get your battery changed shortly after, otherwise, you may start your vehicle and find that your car won’t turn on.

The battery is what runs your vehicle, sometimes they give out. Ensure that you get your battery changed whenever it needs it.

Luckily, battery prices for used cars for sale near me can range from $50-$150; a quick and easy fix overall.

Whether your battery is eroded or you or your passengers left a light in the vehicle turned on and it drained the battery, you’ll need to replace this vehicle part all together.

3. Engine Warning Alert Notification

When this light turns on and if you are not a trained, experienced and certified mechanic then it will be wise for all drivers to immediately drive the vehicle in question to BMW of Reading in PA and an automotive expert will properly diagnose the issue relating to the engine warning.

This notification is not an alert to take lightly. Simply do not put off this item on your to-do list as doing so could cause drivers a heftier bill.

4. Air Bag Alert

Ignoring this alert could potentially put drivers and passengers in harm’s way. Say for instance, if you need the airbag to deploy and it does not!

This alert needs to be addressed as soon as possible for the highest safety standards. Be sure to bring your new or used cars for sale to your BMW Dealer near me in Reading and our mechanics will solve this issue once and for all; creating a safer environment for everyone who enters your vehicle.

5. Anti-Lock Brake Alert

This notification actually means that your brakes will not stop your tires from skidding if you brake hard.

This light can mean that the system needs to be fully assessed and fixed. Ignore this alert and if you brake too hard, drivers may skid off of the road!

Let’s face it, ignoring any type of vehicle alert that arrives in your dashboard is asking for long-term trouble that can unravel into even more issues as time progresses.

Save the complexities for the auto and car maintenance experts at your BMW Dealer near me, new and used dealership in PA and keep your new and used cars for sale near me in high-quality shape for number one safety!

BMW of Reading 40.3148275, -75.9438752.